Cambridge English qualifications are intended for all students, including those with dyslexia. Dyslexia is a learning disability that primarily impairs the abilities required for correct and fluent reading and spelling. Learning disabilities are caused by variances in how the brain processes information rather than by a person’s IQ. They differ substantially from one another. Dyslexia primarily impacts the development of reading and language-related abilities, and dyslexic students are more likely to struggle with phonological processing, working memory, and processing speed.

Read Academy teacher guides you about more information and activities. They will assist you in assisting dyslexic students.

Important term

• Phonological processing: The processing of spoken and written language using sounds (phonemes).

• Working memory: The quantity of knowledge that can be remembered and utilized to complete activities.

• Processing speed: The rate at which we absorb information, process it, and begin to react.

Creating a welcoming and helpful learning environments

Because the difficulties faced by learners with dyslexia differ from person to person, the emphasis of instruction should be on making the learning environment as inclusive and helpful as possible. ‘A sense of belonging: feeling accepted, appreciated for who you are; experiencing a degree of supporting energy and dedication from others so that you can accomplish your best job.

Here are some ideas for creating an inclusive learning environment. They involve organizing inclusive classes and providing evaluation and feedback to enable learners with dyslexia confidently prepare for their Cambridge English qualification.

1. Establish a positive and collaborative classroom atmosphere

Make your classroom a supportive and collaborative environment by getting to know all of your students as people and encouraging them to get to know one another. This will let learners feel more at ease while thinking about how to complete assignments and asking for assistance.

2. Incorporate multimodal input and activities

Use multimodal input and activities to provide students with several paths for creating connections and learning subjects. In the classroom, for example, employ flashcards, puppets, tale films, and actual things. When students employ many senses at the same time, their brain is stimulated in a number of ways. Reading, hearing, looking, touching an item, moving physically about the room, or employing gestures are all examples of multisensory activities.

3. Provide learners with options

To make learning more engaging and inclusive, provide learners options for how they interact with activities. For example, during a listening activity or while preparing for a speaking task, students may ‘draw’ rather than make notes.

4. Have l-shaped cards on hand

Provide learners with these l-shaped cards to help them concentrate their attention by framing parts of textbook pages. Encourage students to cover reading materials with a simple sheet of paper and disclose one line at a time while they read. They are successful ways for teaching reading skills to all pupils.

5. Introduce new vocabulary in tiny, digestible portions

Present new language in short, digestible bits to avoid overloading learners. Concentrate on essential language from the test wordlists and the instructor handbook’s language standards.

6. Invest time in clearly teaching test methods

Spend some time clearly explaining test methods, such as how to approach certain exam objectives, and reduce them down into basic stages.

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